Package javax.usb

Core interfaces and classes modeling USB devices, descriptors, communication pipes and requests/operations.


Interface Summary
UsbConfiguration Interface for a USB configuration.
UsbConfigurationDescriptor Interface for a USB configuration descriptor.
UsbConst USB constants.
UsbControlIrp Interface for a control-type USB IRP (I/O Request Packet).
UsbDescriptor Interface for a USB descriptor.
UsbDevice Interface for a USB device.
UsbDeviceDescriptor Interface for a USB device descriptor.
UsbEndpoint Interface for a USB endpoint.
UsbEndpointDescriptor Interface for a USB endpoint descriptor.
UsbHub Interface for a USB hub.
UsbInterface Interface for a USB interface.
UsbInterfaceDescriptor Interface for a USB interface descriptor.
UsbInterfacePolicy Interface describing the policy to claim an interface with.
UsbIrp Interface for a USB IRP (I/O Request Packet).
UsbPipe Interface for a USB pipe.
UsbPort Interface for a USB port.
UsbServices Interface for a javax.usb implementation.
UsbStringDescriptor Interface for a USB string descriptor.

Class Summary
UsbHostManager Entry point for javax.usb.
Version Version class that prints the current version numbers.

Exception Summary
UsbAbortException Exception indicating a submission was aborted.
UsbBabbleException Exception indicating a Babble error.
UsbBitStuffException Exception indicating a Bit-Stuff violation.
UsbClaimException Exception indicating an UsbInterface claim state prevents the current operation.
UsbCRCException Exception indicating a CRC error.
UsbDisconnectedException Exception indicating a device has been disconnected.
UsbException Exception specific to USB.
UsbNativeClaimException Exception indicating an UsbInterface is already natively claimed.
UsbNotActiveException Exception indicating an operation was attempted on an inactive UsbConfiguration, inactive UsbInterface, and/or inactive UsbPipe.
UsbNotClaimedException Exception indicating an operation was attempted on a unclaimed UsbInterface.
UsbNotOpenException Exception indicating an operation was attempted on a closed UsbPipe.
UsbPIDException Exception indicating a PID error.
UsbPlatformException Exception indicating a platform-specific UsbException.
UsbShortPacketException Exception indicating a short packet was detected.
UsbStallException Exception indicating a stall.

Package javax.usb Description

Core interfaces and classes modeling USB devices, descriptors, communication pipes and requests/operations.